Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sarah Tierney

My name is Sarah Tierney. I’m 26 years old and work as a Contract Specialist in Huntsville.  I’ve lived in this area most of my life. I was extremely active growing up through my involvement in multiple sports, but unfortunately I became pretty lazy in college. After graduating from UAH in 2007, I decided to get back in shape by running. It was difficult for me to find motivation on my own though, likely the result of my background in team sports. And so after running off and on for a couple years, I signed up for Fleet Feet’s 13.1 Program in 2009 and successfully completed my first half marathon in 2 hours and 4 minutes. The following year I completed Fleet Feet’s Tri 101 Program and again completed the 13.1 Program. This year I plan to start tackling some longer distances including the marathon and 50k.

I’m excited for this opportunity to run for a cause that is close to my heart. As is the sad truth with most everyone, I’ve known many people- coworkers, friends, and family members- who have been affected by cancer. I’ll be running this race in honor of my grandmother, Elizabeth Tierney, a very special woman that I miss very much.

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