Monday, January 31, 2011

Shari Crowe

Shari Crowe - age 40-44 ; ).  I have been running for about twenty years, but ran mostly for recreation and fitness until a few years ago when I ran my first marathon.  First marathon?  Chicago 2007.  Thought I would only do the one, but it changed my world.  Fell in love with the 26.2 and then began the search for better times, better races, more friends to run with.  With the advice of my running coach, Jill, and lots of friends I have met through running, I have set all my personal bests in the last year.  Crowning achievement?  3:37:37 in Rocket City this year.  Most fun I've had running?  The Ragnar Relay in Tennessee in 2010.  Nothing like being in a van with 6 people for 36 hours to bond friendships quickly.  So I am so totally psyched about Hood to Coast:  11 more ready made friends.  My favorite things about running?  The rush I feel when I hear someone yelling my name during a race, the friends I have met, the peace I have felt, the laughs I have had, looking down at my Garmin and seeing that I am Super Fly on a run.

Beyond running?  Though it sounds like running is everything, it is really not.  I have two wonderful sons (11 and 13) who are the smartest, kindest, funniest children you have ever met . . . no, really, mine truly are.  I am a nurse and have recently transitioned to the field of Patient Safety, which satisfies my nerdy need to run statistics and fix processes.  I love to read and to discuss books and drink wine with my book club.  I adore my friends and my family and believe that our one true purpose in life is to show unconditional love to everyone we meet.  All the rest is just details.

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