Saturday, April 9, 2011

You Can Endure

(Transcription from the video...taken from YouTube)
Part of the lure of Hood to Coast is that it is a real adventure, and it's something completely out of the norm.

You see, when you have succeeded in something, you can endure the part that you don't like.

((Dramatic music plays....random sound bites from the race...driver loses keys in his hand...driver gets tries to give nasty socks away...traffic jam...out of gas...honey bucket suction...driver gets massage......and at time marker 1:53...a team runs to the FINISH LINE!!))

It's the friendships that I have, coming back and just loving doing it.

I've really learned a lot about caring for people. Seems strange; this is a race you run.

You can do anything you put your mind to...and you should.

The effort is almost worth more than the actual accomplishment of finishing the goal.

Why am I here? I could be home in bed...and I want my orange juice!

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