Saturday, April 16, 2011

Julia is Running for Verba

After yesterday's post, I got to thinking...I believe life is a series of continuums.  What we are experiencing with losing teammates is on the very MILD side of a continuum of loss.  Whereas, losing an actual family member to cancer is well on the other side.   I, thankfully, have not had to go through that experience...unlike several of my teammates.

Julia is running for her Grandmother, Verba Troxtel, who died of cancer when Julia was only three years old.  Verba lived with Julia and her family from before the time she was born.  From what she has been told, Verba enjoyed babysitting her grandchildren when she could. 

Until colon cancer took her life at the young age of 57.

Because Julia was only three at the time, she unfortunately doesn't have many clear memories of her Grandma.  Not having clear memories doesn't lessen the loss.  Julia's grandfather, Verba's husband,  passed away long before Julia was even born and she never had a close relationship with her other set of grandparents. 

All the things kids with grandparents take for granted -baking cookies, being spoiled, hearing stories of what life was like "back in the day", learning about the roots of who you are first hand, having someone there on Grandparent's Day at school, all the memories that could have been made- were stolen from Julia by cancer.  Your donation is more than just support for a nameless, faceless organization...American Cancer Society will use your dollars to allow families have more memories.

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